RSLSA/NT: An Update From The CEO and latest minutes (2 July)

Good afternoon,

Hope your week has been kind so far.

Please be advised that the minutes of the 2024 Annual Sub-Branch Conference are now available on the RSLSA website at   Should you have any troubles accessing this page, please let me know.

As always, happy to discuss anything further.

Thank you,

Tara Belton
Chief Executive Officer

RSL SA Branch
Ph: 8100 7312 (Direct Line)


As my first month in the CEO seat has almost passed,  I thought it timely to provide an overview on what we have been working on here at State Branch.  (I also intend to provide you an update of this type each month.)

News From the Board

  • We were lucky enough to host Minister Thistlethwaite and Steve Georganas MP here this week.  This was the perfect opportunity for our President, Dave Petersen, to highlight RSLs response to the 2024 Harmonisation and Simplification of Legislation Bill.  It was also a great opportunity for our Veteran Community Reps to have their concerns heard.
  • We are thrilled to announce Meredith Burgess has again been elected to fulfil the Vice President Role.  Dave Petersen is on leave from today, returning 20th June 2024, so Meredith will take the President role until Dave returns.  If needed, Meredith’s direct email is
  • The Board have also confirmed its members of the Ethics Committee.  These members are currently deliberating over their first disciplinary issue. I will provide further information on this in due course (along with detail).
  • The Board is seeking a Chair for the Awards Committee.  If you are interested in joining this very important committee, please let me know. 

News From State Branch

  • Monthly catchups: We are looking to introduce informal monthly catchups with as many of you as possible.  In fact, an invite will be coming your way to join us on the 26th June here at Torrens Parade Ground for some afternoon chit chat.  This is a perfect opportunity for you all to get to know your staff at State Branch, and your 2024 Board Members.  We can also use this to provide a deeper overview of the work we have all been doing for our Veterans and their families.
  • Employment Program: I’m sure you’ve seen the marketing collateral surrounding the Employment Program.  Our Manager, Grace, has been extremely busy these past few weeks, meeting with Veterans, meeting with employment partners….getting this great program front of mind!   The number of Veterans brought into the program this month alone has equalled the amount brought in this year so far.  Incredible result!
  • Reach Out Program: Whilst still not officially launched, this program is set to be a game changer for the RSL.  With 45 participants already, a vast range of supports in place and service providers partnering with us, we are gearing up to become the Wellbeing experts in our field!  Our program Manager Dave O and his team, Jo and L’Cascia, have worked some magic, that’s for sure!  We couldn’t do this without our Volunteer Wellbeing Support Officers, so a huge thank you to all of you (we are always searching for more if you are interested!)!  Watch this space for the Official Launch date.
  • Advocacy: Work has started in this area to tighten up some processes at State Branch level and better embrace our Advocates.  Our Advocates work tirelessly for the Veteran Community and we must do what we can to support them…our Veterans rely on it!  More to come here.
  • Membership: No doubt you would have heard of Simone by now, our newest edition to the team.  Simone has hit the ground running, ensuring your membership data is accurate and returns entered.  We are also looking to tighten processes here between Sub-Branch and State Branch as we recognise the process of membership renewals itself is extremely manual.  We will be calling several workshops over the next few months; this topic will be covered then.
  • ANZAC Day Fundraising:  We know of the hard work you do to raise the funds you send into the Appeal, so it’s time we show you where these funds go in real time.  This topic will be covered in my monthly updates to you.

Sub-Branch Acknowledgements

In the past few weeks, I have welcomed the many discussions I have had with RSL Sub-Branch Reps/Members related to the support services, or ideas they have, to make their own Sub-Branches sustainable and relevant.  Apart from providing whatever guidance I can, the intention here will be to include these items in a “Sub-Branch” newsletter that we share amongst our community.   These discussions are powerful and contribute to our collective strength!  I learnt only yesterday of a program that has been operating between one RSL Sub-Branch and Open Arms, funded by that RSL (I’m sure this is one of many!)

Please reach out and tell me about the great things your Sub-Branch is doing for Veterans! 

To close, I know we have had some bad publicity in recent weeks, but I am so humbled to hear that the consensus is we are here to do a job, so let’s get on with it!   The above is simply just the beginning.

On behalf of the Board, the team and I here at State Branch, we cannot thank you enough for your support!

As always, door open and coffee jar full ????.

Speak soon,

Tara Belton
Chief Executive Officer

RSL SA Branch
Ph: 8100 7312 (Direct Line)

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