ESO Portal Discovery Project – Co-design Insights Summary Report [SEC=OFFICIAL]

ESO Portal Discovery Project – Co-design Insights Summary Report

Dear ESO (Ex-service Organisation)/Advocate

I’m writing to provide you with an update on the ESO Portal Discovery Project.

As part of the Modernisation Program, DVA gathered evidence and insights to identify improvement opportunities for the advocate community to transact with DVA. You may recall last year you assisted us in inviting advocates to complete a survey to improve the way in which they transact with DVA online.  The survey was part of a co-design approach to gain a deep understanding of the ESO Portal system: the people, processes and technology that enable the service. ​DVA received a total of 375 responses to the survey, with 209 respondents registering their interest in further advocate co-design activities. ​

Interviews were also conducted with 10 advocates who were representative of diverse roles and significant experience. ​All the advocates interviewed were generous with their time and provided invaluable insights to their experience. The project team is very grateful for their input to this research. ​

Commentary provided by interviewees largely aligned with survey findings, but the interviews permitted a deeper dive into common themes as well as the opportunity to focus on technology pain points. Insights derived from these co-design activities have been summarised in the attached report which I am pleased to provide to you now for your reference. You may like to pass it on to other advocates in your organisation. ​​These insights will guide and inform the future of the ESO Portal or alternative.​

Co-design is an ongoing process. DVA will plan further co-design activities suitable for the next phases in a potential advocate portal project should the proposed solution receive funding.

Thank you for your efforts to promote the MyService Experience Survey. It remains open until 16 May 2024. We would be grateful if you could encourage further uptake of the survey. Here is a link to the survey. Further information is available in a news item on the DVA website.

Kind regards

 Janice Silby

Assistant Secretary

Income Support Branch

Deputy Commissioner SA

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

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