I am writing to invite you to participate in the online survey on the review of the National Consultation Framework (NCF).
NCF is reviewed periodically to ensure that consultation between the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA), Commissions and the veteran community remains relevant and effective. DVA and Repatriation Commission are jointly reviewing the NCF, overseen by a Steering Committee.
The review will be informed by engagement with the veteran community including an online survey. This survey commenced on 19 August 2024 and will be open until 11:59pm AEST, 15 September 2024. The survey can be accessed via the DVA website at National Consultation Framework Review
I am seeking your support to promote the survey to your members and the broader veteran community. We would appreciate views of contemporary veterans, families and veteran support organisations on the relevancy and effectiveness of the current NCF. We also look forward to suggestions on potential enhancements so that the NCF is inclusive and agile and represents the contemporary and emerging veteran community.
Kind regards,
Paula Goodwin
First Assistant Secretary
Ministerial Engagement and Communications Division